Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Beautiful Belly Sleep

Sleep.  Beautiful, nourishing, elusive sleep.  I am a big fan of sleep.  Most people are. Unfortunately, most people don't get near the amount of sleep they need in order to live a healthy life without repercussions. 

Sleep is highly related to many disorders and disease processes, not the least of them is weight gain.  This has much to do with hormones and how the body reacts to the lack of sleep.  A study performed in 2012 showed that lack of sleep causes fat cells to become insulin resistant [1].  Insulin resistance is a major factor in the acquisition of belly fat - you know, the fat that is so hard to get rid of and that is covering the amazing six pack abs you have underneath. 

Sleep and stress have an effect on the hormone cortisol as well.  While cortisol can help fat cells to release stored fat, if cortisol is present in a high amount for too long, it has an opposite effect on fat cells.  This is why people who have high levels of stress and who do not get enough sleep have a tendency to hold on to belly fat.

 Now for the fix.  Fad diets will only help a little bit.  Many diets consist of a calorie deficit, but losing belly fat requires this PLUS getting your hormones under control.  Since insulin is produced based on the amount of sugars are in the body, a lower carbohydrate diet is a key in balancing this hormone.  Do not go to an extreme though and cut out carbs completely.  Low blood sugars stress the body which releases more cortisol [2], and your body needs the energy that good carbs provide.  Try a more protein and vegetable rich diet with some healthy carbs, but keep them to a minimum.  Also, get enough sleep.  Seven hours is the bare minimum number of hours most people need but most people could benefit from having a good 9 hours of sleep.  This will help reduce stress as well.

If you have stubborn belly fat and you are killing your workouts, just remember that hormones are going to play a huge role in losing or keeping the belly fat.  Get enough sleep, meditate and relax, and try to have fewer carbohydrates in your diet.  Do not go completely carb-free or else you will be working against yourself.  Make sure you have a good amount of energy without the overload of carbohydrates and hopefully you will start seeing the belly fat start to disappear.

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[1] Josiane L. Broussard, PhD; David A. Ehrmann, MD; Eve Van Cauter, PhD; Esra Tasali, MD; and Matthew J. Brady, PhD. (2012). "Impaired Insulin Signaling in Human Adipocytes After Experimental Sleep Restriction: A Randomized, Crossover Study". Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(8):549-557. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-157-8-201210160-00005

[2] Jade Teta, ND. (2014). "How to Help Clients Beat Belly Fat".  IDEA Fitness Journal.

Beautiful Belly Sleep

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